Antulang Beach Resort

Antulang is the most premier beach in Dumaguete City, site of the largest Protestant university in Asia Pacific, Siliman. Beyond Siliman University and beyond the hustle and bustle of urban Dumaguete lies one of the most serene, newest and freshest beaches in the Philippines – Antulang. There are various accommodations in Antulang Beach Resort– there’s pool villa, superior suite, executive suite, family suite, presidential suite, seaview cottage, superior cottage, garden view cottage and deluxe cabana.

[caption id="attachment_90" align="alignright" width="236" caption="Infinity Pool, Antulang Beach Resort"]Infinity pool, Antulang Beach Resort[/caption]

Of all the accommodations, the best one that I like is the pool villa because you and your date can easily hop into the pool anytime of the day (or night). The accommodations are affordable by Philippine standards so it is really a discount when foreign tourists come here to spend and while the night away. Since Antulang Beach Resort has a Hawaiian theme, each guest is greeted and showered with leis by the accommodating staff.

The pool villa even has its own private swimming pool separate from the general pool outside and this one is located cliffside. Now isn’t that an amazing view? The pool villa also has its own Jacuzzi and azotea. In fact, the azotea is designed all the way from Vigan.


  1. nice blog. philippines really one of the best places to be visited by the tourists. there's a lot of places here thats so beautiful like chocolate hills in bohol, the boracay & palawan beaches. dont forget also dumaguete - the buglasan festival that was held last oct 15-23. cheers!

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